Scientific Articles
Kappel Buhl, I. et al.
Molecular prediction of adjuvant cisplatin efficacy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)—validation in two independent cohorts
PloS One 2018; 10.1371
Hugger Jacobsen, E et. al.
Liposomal cisplatin response prediction in heavily pretreated breast cancer patients: A multigene biomarker in a prospective phase 2 study
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2018, e13077
Kappel Buhl, I. et. al.
Prospective blinded evaluation predicting efficacy of adjuvant cisplatinum and vinorelbine by a multigene assay after radical surgery in non-small cell lung cancer
Abstract no.: e20007, ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2016
Lassen et. al.
Abstract CT154: Phase I dose-escalating PoC study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of LiPlaCis (liposomal cisplatin formulation) in patients with advanced or refractory tumor
Cancer Research 76 (14 supplement), July 2016